Sunday, October 6, 2019

Imagination - Meditation - Intuition by Sonia Choquette

Did You Know That You Were Born with Three Incredible Super Powers?  Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have wonderful lives and flow with the Universe, while others struggle and experience far less satisfaction? Do you ever question why some people always appear to be in the right place at the right time, while others can’t seem to catch a break, no matter how hard they try? 

Well, it’s not about luck or chance. The people who succeed in having joyful and satisfying lives are those who have harnessed three specific superpowers. These superpowers give them everything they need to create the life they most desire: to make the best decisions, have the best timing, attract the most helpful people, and enjoy the best possible synchronicities—experiencing the magic and...

  1. Super power 1
  2. Super power 2
  3. Super power 3
  4. Pulling it all together
  5. Recorded webinar

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